More Terms

More terms for Fire Emblem: Terms started from Fire Emblem 1 unless noted

  • Cain and Abel: a pair of Cavalier serving under the main character’s household, and students or squires to the main Jeigen of the series. This Archetype comes from the cavaliers Cain, who wore red armor, and Abel who wore green armor. The cavaliers have different stat growths but will usually balance each other out, similar to the Bord and Cord pairs. The Cain character is either brash, or headstrong and impulsive, and will have higher Strength, HB, and Defense growths, whereas the Abel is more calm and serious, or conserved, focusing on Speed and Skill, with slightly more resistance. This archetype has gone through the ringer, with Fire Emblem 7 having the colors switched, and 8 having the balance shifted, so Cain has more Skill and Abel has more Strength.
  • Lilina/ Sophia (FE6): a female mage that has skyrocketing Magic scores but ends up having little to no Skill and Speed, these units are the definition of Glass Cannons: they can dish out huge amounts of Damage, but can’t take the same kind of punishment. Sophia types are more inclined to grow some resistance, but have a similar problem with Skill and Speed. These types should not be confused with the Linde types, which are more balanced female mages. This archetype’s main creator comes from Lilina, protagonist’s childhood friend and potential love interest.

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